ICRTouch TouchPoint provides users and effortless and reliable service. It is one of the leading till software for POS systems for hospitality and retail businesses.

With many features and customizable options, it keeps everything running smoothly and also provides intuitive use for managers and staff of all abilities and roles to get up to speed quickly.


Graphical Table Plan
Provides a visual representation of your service areas in your business with numerous levels and numbered tables.

Clerk Language Selection
You can change languages for the assigned operator that’s using the till system.

Kitchen Translation
Orders going through to the kitchen can be displayed in a secondary language if any of the kitchen staff are non-native readers.

Stock Count
Displays stock levels and quantities on product buttons for special limited quantity items


No Internet Connection
You can still make sales, use and pay off tables, split bills and send orders through to the kitchen without having to rely on an internet connection.

Power Cut
Sales are stored locally, so in the even of a power cut, data will not be lost.

Staff Management

Clock In & Out
You can view clock and out times for employees shifts to assist with payroll administration.

Clerk Audit Trail
All clerk operation are recorded within the system’s journal to identify training issues and make sure that the correct buttons are being pressed.

Staff Incentives
Incentive best performing staff and keep track using the standard reports.

Integrated CCTV
The integrated CCTV syncs with the audit trail which means you get operation information overlaid on CCTV playback to see what’s happening at the till and by whom.